Tuesday, June 06, 2006

For some reason, my blogger is all in Dutch. Takes getting used to. Been busy these past few days. Busy, busy, busy. Working on stories, stories, and more stories. I think Rina's Gift is about ready to be sent out. Little Goddess, is almost good to go. I-Walk is in need of serious rewriting. And surprisingly, my demanding brother seems to like 3094 which I wrote ages ago.

A number of publications are shutting down. The Deep Magic E-zine is shutting down, and won't be accepting submissions. Amazing Journeys Magazine is also shutting down after a number of years. It's always sad to see specfic publications shutting down.

Gryphonwood has decided to move to a blog format. I got an email from Dave Wood, Gryphonwood's editor wherein he states interest in publishing Lunar Wind :) Thanks, Dave. I'm pleased Lunar Wind will be on Gryphonwood. Seems like the right place for it. Do I mind about the pay being almost nothing...ah well...if I were writing for money, I wouldn't be writing poetry ;) I think The Chatelaine knows more about poetry economics than I do.

To be honest, I don't think writers really write to get rich. I mean, there are writers and there are writers...but most of us just struggle along and are pretty happy to get one or two stories published :) Each time, you get published you feel that rush...yayayay! Nope, you can't be a writer if you don't do it for love.

Putting together a submission for the Second Hay(na)ku Anthology. This is one of those things where I go...please, God, please God, let me write something so good they won't be able to resist it.


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