Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Byzarium is one of my favorite Webzines. It was through their flash fiction contest that I found out about the artist, Remedios Varo. Last year, they published my flash piece, Mistress Vogel, and visiting the webzine recently, I found out they'd created an audio file to go with the piece. It was pretty cool hearing Mistress Vogel read aloud.

Here's the link in case you want to hear it:

Which brings me to this idea of creating more audio files to load onto the blog sometime in the future. I shall have to do some more technical experimentation, but I think it will be fun.

Inspite of the mix-ups, I now know how to change columns on Haruah, set illustrations to proof, and I think next time I'll be able to link photos to poems/stories with less mixups and booboos.

A reprint of my Sunflower poem is now up on Haruah, so you can visit at leisure if you wish.

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