Saturday, January 28, 2006

So, I got a rewrite request in regards to a story I subbed on the 16th of January. Children of the Falling Stars, is one of the first stories I've submitted this year, one I really, really love, and the comments I got on this story got me so inspired, I'm in the midst of rewriting as I'm blogging about it.

The editor writes:

"We hope that you can make the revisions while still keeping that beautiful, winsome quality that we so adore and that sets this story apart from much of what we receive."

Oh, if that isn't enough to make your heart sing. I am definitely going to rewrite and re-submit.

*picture me here with a big smile on my face*

And if that isn't enough smileys for today...

Joel Jan got a surprise package in the mail today. A couple of weeks ago, I subbed a little poem he dictated to me, to Nederlandse Dagblad. They have a section for kids called Popcorn, and they had sent out a call for poetry submissions by kids up to 13 years old. So, I sent in Joel's train poem and he got a thank you package from the paper with a card telling him that his poem had won him a children's book. According to my mom-in-law, this is like the latest children's!

It was like party time for Joel Jan, since he'd been complaining about Mama getting all these packages and none for him. So, now he got something as a result of his writing and he's made me promise to write down the stories and poems he dictates to me. It's probably just a matter of time before he starts asking me to send out submissions for him too. Ooops...more work for me...

In turn, I made him promise he'd learn to write for himself as soon as possible.

He was so pleased about winning a book, he threw his arms around me and cried:

"Mama, we are both writers."

That was a very cool moment.


Blogger Rebecca Mabanglo-Mayor said...

Beautiful, Beautiful.

You inspire me!

30 January, 2006  

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