Saturday, June 25, 2005

Listening to the ramblings of an old man

Like listening to the water faucet
going drip, drip, drip
in the middle of the night.

Wrapped up in the warmth of your bed
You fall asleep
to the sound of that drip...

before you realize it
your life is just like that water faucet
dripping away
without your knowing
how or why or when
you became
this rambling old man
this rambling old woman
whose words
fall upon the ears of the young

Comfortable in their youth
they turn away
from the sound of your voice.

One day
they'll wake up
to find
they've turned into you.

rcloenen-ruiz, 2005

**je moet durven om te leven zoals je leven wilt - you must dare in order to live as you wish to live. And as another writer once said: Seize the day!

**Which is what I'm doing, in between chasing after chores, running after schedules, doing the wash, trying to overcome the ever growing pile of things to iron, I squeeze in time, building the foundations of the life I wish to live. 30 minutes a day, an hour a day, what does it long as I'm writing. Exercise that mental improves with use.


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