Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Our hay(na)ku game over at Haruah has closed and two top winners came out of the contest. Rick Copple and Marcie Lynn Tentchoff both win a prize. Thanks to The Chatelaine who graciously agreed to pick the top winners for this little game.

First place goes to:

R.L. Copple for this poem:

Can You Hear What I Hear?

is loud
when God talks.

are amazed
when God acts.

are complete
when God rests.

is praised
when creation loves.

Second place was a tie between two poems, but they were both written by one poet:

Marcie Lynn Tentchoff wins with these two poems:

Near the light,
shadows linger,


liquid promise
on my tongue.

Eileen also chose a third placer, but I didn't have any more prizes for third.

What's really cool is how some of those who have experimented with the form continue to work with it. So nice.

And that is why the Hay(na)ku still remains my unbeaten favorite form.


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